Exarchate for Orthodox Parishes of Russian Tradition in Western Europe

Exarchate for Orthodox Parishes of Russian Tradition in Western Europe

Κυριακή 22 Μαρτίου 2015

Commemorating the First Anniversary of the Repose of the Heavenly Hundred during the tragic events of February 18-20, 2014 in Kyiv, Ukraine

Statement of the Council of Bishops of the UOC of the USA
Statement of the Council of Bishops of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA

Commemorating the First Anniversary of the Repose of the Heavenly Hundred during the tragic events of February 18-20, 2014 in Kyiv, Ukraine

Beloved Brothers and Sisters in Christ: GLORY TO OUR LORD!

As we approach the first anniversary of the still incomprehensible murder of over 100 Ukrainian citizens on the Maidan in Kyiv – simply because they stood for the freedom of choice in their nation without control or manipulation from other nations – we your hierarchs and a delegation from our Council of the Metropolia are traveling to Ukraine.  In Kyiv and hopefully on the Maidan, we will participate with the Hierarchs of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Canada, all of us representing the Permanent Conference of Ukrainian Orthodox Bishops beyond the Borders of Ukraine, in a Memorial Service for those lost not only on the Maidan, but also for the more than 5,300 other people lost in the battle against terrorism and foreign invasion over the past year.
As we stated during the 40th day memorial service for the “Nebesna Sotnya” (The Heavenly Hundred) in the Ukrainian Cultural Center in March 2014, by all human calculations, Ukraine should not even exist today having suffered cataclysm after cataclysm after cataclysm throughout her history during which so many millions of people perished and millions more who were never born because those who perished were unable to give them life. How can a nation continue to exist and endure if its population cannot grow through the birth of successive generations?  It is by the Grace of God that Ukraine exists.  Once again, we encourage you all to pray fervently for Ukraine, especially to the Mother of God who has always extended her veil of protection over her people.
We awaken each morning over the past years asking ourselves: how can this be happening to Ukraine again?  How is it that a nation already independent for twenty-four years cannot be accepted as such by her neighbors?  How can those neighbors still claim to have “rights” to any part of Ukraine that have no moral, legal or logical foundation? What is important to remember at this first anniversary of the Maidan murders as we commemorate these fallen heroes is that they were not simply following the example of earlier martyrs for truth in Ukrainian history. They were standing firm for truth and human dignity in response to the circumstances of today – standing against those who would sell Ukraine’s independence once again to foreign invaders.
None of them expected or wanted to die. None of them expected that their very deaths would be the catalyst for abrupt change in the life of their nation – with a corrupt “president” fleeing from the knowledge that his corruption was about to be revealed, abandoning any possible claim to his presidency or legitimacy before the world community.  But, their very deaths were the last straw that changed the life of the nation instantly. Their deaths forced a corrupt government to realize that its days were over and that it could no longer squander the wealth of the nation – of the people.  Their deaths resulted in a new government leadership placing very surprised members of the Verkovna Rada (Ukrainian Parliament) in authority and finally in the election of a new President and Rada, which leads the nation today.  Their deaths provoked a self-examination of the membership of the former ruling party, finally bringing on the realization that they were on the wrong side of “truth”.
What the world needs to comprehend is that, which the people of Ukraine have known for generations:  “Heroes do not die!”  (“Heroyi ne vmirayut!”)  They live on in the collective memory of the nation and give rise to future heroes who will continue to stand firm in “truth”.  We ask all of you, our faithful spiritual children, to remember that such heroism is never wasted or useless.  It reaches not only the minds of the nation’s population but the minds of the world – in particular the czars, the commandants, “unidentified” invaders and even the presidents who refuse to accept the new world reality and want to recreate empires.   They speak to proclaim: “we will not die!” No longer will you be free to murder millions of us through starvation, by freezing us during long cold winters or dropping your abundance of destructive bombs.  Beneath all the attempts to wipe the Ukrainian nation out of existence and off the world map, the Ukrainian self-identity has survived and always resulted in the rebirth of a stronger nation.  “Heroes do not die!”
We direct that on 22 February, 2015 all our parish clergy shall serve Memorial Services commemorating the “Nebesnya Sotnya” and the 5,300 + other victims who have perished over the past year.  May their memory live eternally in God’s Heavenly Kingdom and may the spirit of their sacrifice be imbedded within each of us to inspire our own will to stand firm in the “truth”.  Further, we ask that a special collection be made this day for the Ukrainian Aid Fund established by our Church almost a year ago.  Thus far, we have distributed nearly $200,000 of that aid – Bishop Daniel handing it directly to individual recipients and not organizations. We will distribute more of this aid during the present visit to Ukraine.
May the Grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the Love of God the Father and the Fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all. Please keep our delegation in your prayers as we travel through the end of February.
In our Lord’s All-encompassing Love,

+ Antony, Metropolitan
+ Daniel, Bishop

Звернення Собору Єпископів Української Православної Церкви США
з приводу першої річниці масового вбивства в Києві 18-20-го лютого, 2014 р.

Дорогі брати і сестри у Христі,

Наближаючись до першої річниці жахливої трагедії розстрілу 100 українських громадян на Київському майдані, котрі просто відстоювали вільний вибір своєї країни без втручання інших націй, ми, ваші архиєреї разом із делегацією Ради Митрополії подорожуємо в Україну. У Києві, а можливо і на Майдані, ми разом із ієрархами Української Православної Церкви Канади, представляючи Постійну Конференцію Українських Православних Єпископів за межами України служитемемо заупокійну панахиду за постраждалими не тільки на Майдані, але більше 5300 інших людей котрі поклали своє життя у боротьбі проти тероризму та чужоземного захоплення за останній рік.
Як ми вже зазначили на сорока-дневній панахиді за «Небесною Сотнею» в Українському Культурному Центрі у березні 2014 року, за усіма людськими підрахунками, Україна не повинна була б уже існувати сьогодні після усіх катаклізмів, що вона пережила впродовж своєї історії коли мільйони людей загинули і мільйони ніколи так і не народилися, тому що ті, хто загинули не змогли дати їм життя. Як може нація продовжувати існувати та терпіти коли в її суспільстві не було навіть одного покоління, яке б народилося і прожило без війни або переслідувань. Тільки з Божої Ласки Україна і досі існує. Знову ж закликаємо усіх вас щиро молитися за Україну, особливо до Матері Божої, яка під своїм омофором завжди охороняла Український народ.
За останній рік, коли просинались кожного ранку та запитували себе: як таке може повторюватися з Україною знову? Як це так, нація будучи незалежною протягом 20-ти років і досі не може бути визнаною її сусідами? Як ці сусіди і досі можуть стверджувати що вони мають “права” на будь-яку частину України яка не має легальних основ? Що потрібно пам’ятати у першу річницю вбивства на Майдані згадуючи загиблих героїв, це те, що вони не просто слідували прикладу попередніх мучеників за правду яких ми знаємо з історії України. Вони відстоювали тверду правду та людську гідність у відповідь на сьогоденні обставини – виступаючи проти тих, хто готовий вкотре продати незалежність України чужоземним загарбникам.
Ніхто з них не чекав чи хотів загинути. Ніхто з них не сподівався що їхня смерть стане причиною різких змін у житті їхньої нації – з корупційним “президентом”, який втікаючи, як він вбачав від загрози його життю, покинув будь-яке відношення щодо його президенства чи легітимності перед світовою громадою. Смерть “Небесної Сотні” стала останньою краплею терпіння, яка різко змінила життя нації. Їхня смерть заставила корупційну владу усвідомити що прийшов кінець їхньому пануванню та марнотратству майна нації – людей. Їхня смерть повністю змінила лідерів уряду, призначивши до влади нових членів Верховної Ради. Їхня смерть заставила усвідомити колишніх членів керуючої партії те, що вони були на поганій стороні “правди”.
Світ повинен зрозуміти те, що народ України на протязі поколінь пам’ятає що: “Герої не вмирають!” Вони продовжують жити в пам’яті нації та бути прикладом для майбутніх героїв які продовжать відстоювати правду. Ми просимо всіх наших вірних духовних дітей, пам’ятати, що цей героїзм ніколи не є лишнім чи зайвим. Він досягає до свідомості не тільки нашої нації, а й до цілого світу – в тому числі до царів, командирів, “незнаних” загарбників та навіть президентів, які відмовляються визнати нову реальність та продовжують відтворити імперії. Вони виголошують: «ми не загинемо!» Ви вже не зможете вбивати мільйони наших голодом, чи обмороженням під час холодної довгої зими чи чисельністю руйнівних бомб. Попри всі спроби стерти Українську націю чи місце на світовій карті, Українська само-ідентичність виживала і завжди буде сприяти народженню нової сильнішої нації. «Герої не вмирають!»
Ми закликаємо всіх парафіяльних священиків відслужили Панахиду за «Небесною сотнею» та більше 5300 жертв котрі загинули за останній рік. Нехай їхня пам’ять буде вічною у Небесному Царстві і щоб дух їхніх пожертв був у кожному з нас, надихаючи нашу власну волю стояти міцно у «правді». Більше цього, ми просимо про особливу збірку у цей день на Український Фонд Допомоги заснований рік тому назад. До цього часу ми вже роздали майже 200 тис. дол. власноручно через єпископа Даниїла постраждалим особам. Ми будемо роздавати додаткову допомогу і під час нашого візиту.
Нехай Милість Господа і Спаса нашого Ісуса Христа, Любов Бога Отця і Причастя Святого Духа буде зі всіма вами. Просимо молитися за нашу делегацію до кінця місяця лютого.
З любов’ю у Христі,

+ АНТОНІЙ, митрополит
+ ДАНИЇЛ, єпископ

Beloved Brothers and Sisters in Christ: GLORY TO OUR LORD!

As we approach the first anniversary of the still incomprehensible murder of over 100 Ukrainian citizens on the Maidan in Kyiv – simply because they stood for the freedom of choice in their nation without control or manipulation from other nations – we your hierarchs and a delegation from our Council of the Metropolia are traveling to Ukraine.  In Kyiv and hopefully on the Maidan, we will participate with the Hierarchs of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Canada, all of us representing the Permanent Conference of Ukrainian Orthodox Bishops beyond the Borders of Ukraine, in a Memorial Service for those lost not only on the Maidan, but also for the more than 5,300 other people lost in the battle against terrorism and foreign invasion over the past year.
As we stated during the 40th day memorial service for the “Nebesna Sotnya” (The Heavenly Hundred) in the Ukrainian Cultural Center in March 2014, by all human calculations, Ukraine should not even exist today having suffered cataclysm after cataclysm after cataclysm throughout her history during which so many millions of people perished and millions more who were never born because those who perished were unable to give them life. How can a nation continue to exist and endure if its population cannot grow through the birth of successive generations?  It is by the Grace of God that Ukraine exists.  Once again, we encourage you all to pray fervently for Ukraine, especially to the Mother of God who has always extended her veil of protection over her people.
We awaken each morning over the past years asking ourselves: how can this be happening to Ukraine again?  How is it that a nation already independent for twenty-four years cannot be accepted as such by her neighbors?  How can those neighbors still claim to have “rights” to any part of Ukraine that have no moral, legal or logical foundation? What is important to remember at this first anniversary of the Maidan murders as we commemorate these fallen heroes is that they were not simply following the example of earlier martyrs for truth in Ukrainian history. They were standing firm for truth and human dignity in response to the circumstances of today – standing against those who would sell Ukraine’s independence once again to foreign invaders.
None of them expected or wanted to die. None of them expected that their very deaths would be the catalyst for abrupt change in the life of their nation – with a corrupt “president” fleeing from the knowledge that his corruption was about to be revealed, abandoning any possible claim to his presidency or legitimacy before the world community.  But, their very deaths were the last straw that changed the life of the nation instantly. Their deaths forced a corrupt government to realize that its days were over and that it could no longer squander the wealth of the nation – of the people.  Their deaths resulted in a new government leadership placing very surprised members of the Verkovna Rada (Ukrainian Parliament) in authority and finally in the election of a new President and Rada, which leads the nation today.  Their deaths provoked a self-examination of the membership of the former ruling party, finally bringing on the realization that they were on the wrong side of “truth”.
What the world needs to comprehend is that, which the people of Ukraine have known for generations:  “Heroes do not die!”  (“Heroyi ne vmirayut!”)  They live on in the collective memory of the nation and give rise to future heroes who will continue to stand firm in “truth”.  We ask all of you, our faithful spiritual children, to remember that such heroism is never wasted or useless.  It reaches not only the minds of the nation’s population but the minds of the world – in particular the czars, the commandants, “unidentified” invaders and even the presidents who refuse to accept the new world reality and want to recreate empires.   They speak to proclaim: “we will not die!” No longer will you be free to murder millions of us through starvation, by freezing us during long cold winters or dropping your abundance of destructive bombs.  Beneath all the attempts to wipe the Ukrainian nation out of existence and off the world map, the Ukrainian self-identity has survived and always resulted in the rebirth of a stronger nation.  “Heroes do not die!”
We direct that on 22 February, 2015 all our parish clergy shall serve Memorial Services commemorating the “Nebesnya Sotnya” and the 5,300 + other victims who have perished over the past year.  May their memory live eternally in God’s Heavenly Kingdom and may the spirit of their sacrifice be imbedded within each of us to inspire our own will to stand firm in the “truth”.  Further, we ask that a special collection be made this day for the Ukrainian Aid Fund established by our Church almost a year ago.  Thus far, we have distributed nearly $200,000 of that aid – Bishop Daniel handing it directly to individual recipients and not organizations. We will distribute more of this aid during the present visit to Ukraine.
May the Grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the Love of God the Father and the Fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all. Please keep our delegation in your prayers as we travel through the end of February.
In our Lord’s All-encompassing Love,

+ Antony, Metropolitan
+ Daniel, Bishop

Hierarchs of the UOC of the USA Meet With the Ecumenical Patriarch

Meeting With the Ecumenical Patriarch

Following the conclusion of the plenary sessions of the annual meeting of the Permanent Conference of the Ukrainian Orthodox Bishops Beyond the Borders of Ukraine, the hierarchs of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA traveled to the ancient city of Constantinople in order to hold an audience with His All-Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew I on March 16-18, 2015.
Having arrived to Istanbul the bishops of the UOC of the USA, representing the brother hierarchs of the Permanent Conference met with the Members of the Holy Synod of the Ecumenical Patriarchate and in informal gathering reflected upon the current set of circumstances in the life of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church in North America and especially in Ukraine.
During the lengthy audience with His All-Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew I, His Eminence Metropolitan Antony along with Bishop Daniel shared with the Patriarch reflections on the most recent trip to Ukraine and meetings with the representatives of various jurisdictions of the Orthodox Church in Ukraine as well as with the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko.
The bishops expressed their concern over the continued ecclesiastical division in Ukraine, sharing with the Patriarch the observations of the hierarchs of various Orthodox jurisdictions in Ukraine about the logical and pastoral solution to the ongoing ecclesiastical disunity that exists in Ukraine. While yet another historic opportunity presents itself for political and economic renewal in Ukraine, the Church must claim and remain to be the moral conscience of the nation, - yet this noble and sacred concept is constantly under the attack by the circumstances of the ecclesiastical division.
His All-Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch, with parental love and concern received the reflections of the hierarchs of the Permanent Conference of the Ukrainian Orthodox Bishops Beyond the Borders of Ukraine and reassured the bishops of his constant prayer and attention that is dedicated to Ukrainian ecclesiastical division and the ways in which the anomaly may be resolved.
Leaving the Ecumenical Patriarchate for the United States of America, the bishops of the UOC of the USA made a one day visit to Ukraine in order to meet with the representatives of various ecclesiastical communities of the Holy Orthodox Church of Ukraine

Κυριακή 3 Αυγούστου 2014

Diocesan Stewardship Commission Institutes Weekly Blog

JOHNSTOWN, PA -- [Diocesan Chancery] - The Diocesan Stewardship Commission  has released today, the first of a series of weekly blog entries on Stewardship and the Orthodox Life.  These short articles are provided to assist the parishes and faithful of the Diocese  to increase both a personal and Church-wide understanding  of the principles of Christian Stewardship, and how to integrate them on the personal, parish and Diocesan levels.  By prayerfully reading and considering their content, they will provide an opportunity to gain a  fuller insight into the ways that God’s love and grace operate in our lives.
The blog is prominently featured in the Stewardship Column on the Diocesan Website  Home Page  and also can be accessed directly on the Stewardship Commission Webpage.

2014 National ACRY Convention August 29-September 1, 2014 Crowne Plaza - King of Prussia

The Phoenixville, PA Chapter has been working hard to provide you with a great Convention this year. We hope you will make the trip to The Greater Philadelphia, PA area for a fun and enjoyable weekend! 

General Information

Below is information on the hotel and meal packages and convention weekend events along with links to all the pertinent forms needed to register. Registration packages will be sent out to each Senior ACRY Chapter. These packages will include forms for both the Senior and Junior Chapters to aid in registering for the Convention.
ALL Convention information - meal reservation forms, ads, patrons/boosters, delegate forms, Valley Forge tour reservations and golf outing forms along with a check made payable to Holy Ghost SR ACRY, should be returned, postmarked no later than August 8, 2014, to:
2014 ACRY Convention
c/o John Bilanin
2491 Jessica Drive
Gilbertsville, PA 19525
Please download the Information Package which includes weekend schedule, driving directions, golf and site seeing tour sign-up forms and other pertinent information.

Registration Details/Information Package
  PDF Format

Hotel Reservations

The host hotel for the weekend will be the Crowne Plaza Philadelphia - King of Prussia, located in King of Prussia, PA.  Room rates are $99 + tax per night. Room reservations must be made no later than August 5, 2014 in order to obtain the convention rate.
An on-line link has been created for our use when booking rooms for the weekend. You may make reservations by using the following link, which will direct you to the hotel’s website where you can make your room reservation:
Select the “Have a Group Code?” link and enter our group code – ACR - to obtain the convention rate.
Those who prefer may call the hotel directly at 610-265-7500 and reference American Carpatho Russian Youth (ACRY) to obtain the special convention rate. To allow everyone the opportunity to visit the area, the Crowne Plaza will honor the above room rates for early arrivals on Thursday.

Με λαμπρότητα η εορτή της Οσίας Ειρήνης Χρυσοβαλάντου στο Μοναστήρι της στη Ν.Υόρκη (ΦΩΤΟ)

από την Ιερά Πατριαρχική και Σταυροπηγιακή Μονής Οσίας Ειρήνης Χρυσοβαλάντου
\ Sharing Service
Mέ κάθε λαμπρότητα εορτάσθηκε καί φέτος η πανέσβαστη μνήμη της θαυματουργού και ιαματικής Οσίας Ειρήνης της Χρυσοβαλάντου, με πλήθος προσκυνητών από την Νέα Υόρκη, αλλά και από άλλες αμερικανικές πόλεις, όπως Φιλαδέλφεια, Βαλτιμόρη, Χάρτφορτ, Κλήβελαντ, αλλά καί από το Τορόντο του Καναδά, που ταξίδεψαν στην Αστόρια για το ετήσιο προσκύνημα στήν Χάρη της. 
Οι εορταστικές εκδηλώσεις άρχισαν την Πέμπτη 24 Ιουλίου, με εσπερινό, παράκληση προς την Αγία και την ακολουθία του Αγιασμού, υπό του Πανοσιολογιωτάτου Αρχιμανδρίτου κ. Ιεροθέου, Καθηγουμένου της Ιεράς Πατριαρχικής Μονής. 
Το Σάββατο 26 Ιουλίου το εσπέρας έλαβε χώρα προεόρτιος Μέγας Αρχιερατικός Εσπερινός, χοροστατούντος του Θεοφιλεστάτου Επισκόπου Μελόης κ. Φιλοθέου, εκ προσώπου της Α.Θ. Παναγιότητος του Οικουμενικού Πατριάρχου κ.κ. Βαρθολομαίου, με συμμετοχή πολλών ιερέων από την Νέα Υόρκη, με ευλόγηση των μήλων και αρτοκλασία. Ακολούθησε αγρυπνία, κατά την οποία εψάλη η Ιερά Παράκλησις. 
Την Κυριακή 27 Ιουλίου τελέσθηκε προεορτίως ο Πανηγυρικός Όρθρος και η Θεία Λειτουργία, προεξάρχοντος και πάλιν του Θεοφιλεστάτου Επισκόπου Μελόης κ. Φιλοθέου, ο οποίος ανέγνωσε και το σεπτό Πατριαρχικό μήνυμα, το οποίο επισυνάπτεται. Ο Πανοσιολογιώτατος Καθηγούμενος της Μονής ευχαρίστησε καθηκόντως τον Θεοφιλέστατο, ο οποίος λάμπρυνε με την παρουσία του τον ετήσιο εορτασμό της Πατριαρχικής Μονής, η οποία υπάγεται διοικητικά καί πνευματικά στο Σεπτό Κέντρο της Ορθοδοξίας. Στην Θεία Λειτουργία παρευρέθησαν μεταξύ άλλων, ο Πρόξενος της Ελλάδος στην Νέα Υόρκη κ. Μάνος Κουμπαράκης, ο ομογενής Δημοτικός Σύμβουλος της Πόλεως της Νέας Υόρκης κ. Κώστας Κωνσταντινίδης, ο Πρόεδρος της Ομοσπονδίας Ελληνικών Σωματείων Νέας Υόρκης κ. Πέτρος Γαλάτουλας και ο επιχειρηματίας κ. Ευστάθιος Βαλιώτης.  
Εν συνεχείᾳ, πραγματοποιήθηκε η λιτάνευση του ιερού λειψάνου και της θαυματουργού εικόνας της Οσίας Ειρήνης Χρυσοβαλάντου, στους κεντρικούς δρόμους της Αστόριας, με την συμμετοχή χιλιάδων πιστών, οι οποίοι ακολούθησαν την Λιτανεία και εν συνεχείᾳ περίμεναν στο κέντρο της λεωφόρου που βρίσκεται η Μονή για να περάσει από πάνω τους η θαυματουργός εικόνα, προσευχόμενοι να λάβουν την χάριν και ευλογίαν της ιαματικής αγίας.
Ο εορτασμός συνεχίσθηκε με Πανηγυρικό Εσπερινό μετ’ αρτοκλασίας τό εσπέρας της Κυριακής. Τήν Δευτέρα 28 Ιουλίου, κυριώνυμη ημέρα της μνήμης της Οσίας Ειρήνης του Χρυσοβαλάντου, τελέσθηκε Πανηγυρική Θεία Λειτουργία υπό του Καθηγουμένου, Πανοσιολογιωτάτου Αρχιμανδρίτου κ. Ιεροθέου, με συμμετοχή ιερέων της Μονής και ομόρων Κοινοτήτων της Ι. Αρχιεπισκοπής. Η Πανήγυρις έκλεισε το βράδυ της Δευτέρας με εσπερινό και το καθιερωμένο κτητορικό μνημόσυνο, κατά την Μοναστηριακή τάξη. Ο Καθηγούμενος ευχαρίστησε όλους τους ιερείς, τους πιστούς που τίμησαν με την παρουσία και συμμετοχή τους την πανήγυρη, αλλά και τους εθελοντές της Μονής, που συνέβαλαν στην επιτυχία της εορτής και του φεστιβάλ. 
Με ιδιαίτερη επιτυχία διεξήχθησαν παράλληλα και οι πολιτιστικές εκδηλώσεις, στα πλαίσια του ετήσιου Ελληνικού φεστιβάλ, που περιελάμβαναν μεταξύ ἀλλων, παραδοσιακούς Ελληνικούς χορούς από τον Λαογραφικό Ομιλο Ελλήνων Αμερικής, ακροβατικές  επιδείξεις από τήν σχολή Λουπάκη, έκθεση εκκλησιαστικών ειδών, ζωγραφικής, κλπ.

Σάββατο 2 Αυγούστου 2014

First Orthodox Church in Pakistan Consecrated

On February 6. 2014 the first consecration of an Orthodox Church occured in Lahore, Pakistan. Fr. John Tanveer is the priest who founded and built the parish.
Attending the Consecration were:
Metr. Konstantinos of Singapore and Fr. Martin Ritzi, Executive Director of the Orthodox Christian Mission Center (OCMC), who secured an anonymous donation that made the land acquisition and building construction possible.
Many Orthodox faithful were in attendance, as well as a number of diplomats from Orthodox countries, and even local Muslim officials.

History of the Orthodox Mission in Pakistan

Fr. John Tanveer
Fr. John Tanveer was born into a Roman Catholic family in Hafizabad, Pakistan in 1952, the third of six children. His zealousness for the faith and thirst for learning led him to enroll in the seminary, and in 1986 he was ordained a Roman Catholic priest. For the next 10 years Fr. John served the Lahore Diocese with enthusiasm as a priest and instructor at the seminary in Lahore. However, during the course of teaching, studying, praying, and reading, he came to learn about the Orthodox Church. In time he came to believe the Orthodox Church was “the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church.”
Unable to gain access to Orthodox materials or books, he began using the internet to learn more about the faith and incorporate its teachings into his lessons and sermons. In 1996 Fr. John finally spoke to his bishop and told him that in his study of the Orthodox Church, he had discovered many differences in the teachings of the two churches. He said, “I must see who these Orthodox are.” His bishop tried unsuccessfully to discourage his interest. Fr. John resigned from his pastoral duties and left the Roman Catholic priesthood. Accepting the dominant cultural pressures to marry and have a family, Fr. John married Presbytera Rosy in 1997. They soon began a family and now have three children—a son and two daughters. As a family they have continued their life-long journey of “becoming Orthodox.”
Upon leaving the Roman Catholic Church in 1996, Fr. John was able to obtain a job at the International Press newspaper in Lahore where he earned a living as a journalist. He was not going to church at the time, but began looking for a true spiritual home by reading and searching about the Orthodox faith. In July 1998 Fr. John submitted a letter to a Greek man he had met in Lahore years before, inquiring about how to become Orthodox. The man forwarded Fr. John’s letter and eventually it ended up in the hands of Metropolitan Nikitas of Hong Kong and South East Asia. In October 1998 Fr. John received a letter from Metropolitan Nikitas inviting him to enter into a dialogue of how to become Orthodox, thus beginning a correspondence between Fr. John and Metropolitan Nikitas. In 2003 His Eminence traveled to Pakistan and the two met in person. In 2005 Metropolitan Nikitas visited Pakistan again and baptized and Chrismated 300 people into the Orthodox faith. Although not yet an Orthodox priest, Fr. John continued his pastoral activities, sharing the faith with others through conferences and seminars.
After being Chrismated in 2005, Fr. John knew he wanted to re-enter the priesthood and so he began preparing for his holy duty. He applied to Holy Cross Seminary in the United States in 2005 and 2006, however neither opportunity materialized as he was declined a visa to the United States both times. With the blessing of the Metropolitan, Fr. John sent away for the materials needed to study and prepare for ordination. Finally, in November 2008, Metropolitan Nektarios ordained Fr. John to the priesthood in Athens, Greece.
Since that time, Fr. John has continued his ministry, slowly developing, by the grace of God, the Orthodox Church in Pakistan. He and Presbytera Rosy joyously and faithfully stay the course that God has laid before them, despite the many challenges and trials of being Orthodox Christians in Pakistan.